Skipfish installation for Seccubus v2.5

13 February 2014

This post will describe step by step how to configure Skipfish for Seccubus.

You can grab the latest release of Skipfish here:

Before you compile the Skipfish src we need to edit 2 files so Skipfish can be used in Seccubus.
In my current setup the Seccubus files are located in /opt/seccubus and I’m going to install the Skipfish in the /opt

Edit the Skipfish config file located in the src/config.h of Skipfish and add the full path where you want use the Skipfish:

/* Default paths to runtime files: */

#define ASSETS_DIR “/opt/skipfish/assets”  
#define DEF_WORDLIST “/opt/skipfish/skipfish.wl”

/* Default signature file */  
#define SIG_FILE “/opt/skipfish/signatures/signatures.conf”

Now make the Skipfish installation and when it’s compiled copy the skipfish dir to /opt
The last file we need to edit is the /opt/skipfish/signatures/signatures.conf and add the path prefix:

## Master signature file.  
### The mime signatures warn about server responses that have an interesting  
# mime. For example anything that is presented as php-source will likely  
# be interesting  
include /opt/skipfish/signatures/mime.sigs

# The files signature will use the content to determine if a response  
# is an interesting file. For example, a SVN file.  
include /opt/skipfish/signatures/files.sigs

# The messages signatures look for interesting server messages. Most  
# are based on errors, such as caused by incorrect SQL queries or PHP  
# execution failures.  
include /opt/skipfish/signatures/messages.sigs

# The apps signatures will help to find pages and applications who’s  
# functionality is a security risk by default. For example, phpinfo()  
# pages that leak information or CMS admin interfaces.  
include /opt/skipfish/signatures/apps.sigs

# Context signatures are linked to injection tests. They look for strings  
# that are relevant to the current injection test and help to highlight  
# potential vulnerabilities.  
include /opt/skipfish/signatures/context.sigs

Skipfish is now installed and ready to use in Seccubus.