New milestone - Seccubus 2.0.beta1

08 January 2012

Here are the release notes:

07-01-2012 - 2.0.beta1

New features / Issues resolved —————————— With this release Seccubus goes into BETA phase. It also marks the end of active development for Seccubus V1 (last current version is 1.5.5) Seccubus V1 is still maintained at a minimum level, meaning that if bugs are found and they are not too complex to fix, they will be fixed, but no new features will be added to the V1 branch of the product.

GUI rewrite

Old GUI is in /oldstyle Complete GUI code was rewritten using JMVC framework Those www api calls needed to make this current GUI work have been rewritten to JSON New, less confusing, layout of Findings screen

Bigs fixed (tickets closed)

  • 49 - Incorrect status selection possible in GUI for Gone findings
  • 58 - Cannot give GONE findings the status CLOSED